Bachelor of Optometry is an undergraduate program concerning eye care. Optometry is the science of eye care including eye examination, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases and disorders of the visual system. It is a vision care science. Bachelor of Optometry is a four-year course containing three years of learning and a year of internship in clinical experience.
The initial monthly salary Of an optometrist ranges between RS.20,OOO to RS.40,000. Optometrist can earn Rs. 4 to 5 lacs per year as a fresher. An ophthalmologist makes different salaries depending upon their employment place, applicable skills and geographical area. In India. they can earn at least Rs. 9 to 10 lacs in a year. The median salary for an ophthalmologist in the US is $202,133 annually.
Must have passed 10+2 Exam. With Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics OR Physics
Theory: Geometrical optics (Optics l), Physiology (Ceneral), Anatomy (Ceneral), Biochemistry (General & Ocular), professional Communication in English, Physical Optics (Optics II). Physiology (Ocular), Anatomy (Ocular), Environment & Ecology. Computer Fundamentals & programming.
Practical: Physiology (General), Geometrical Optics-I, Anatomy. Physical Optics-II. Anatomy (Ocular). Computer.
Theory: Visual Optics (Optics-111), Lighting & the Eye. Medical pathology and Microbiology (Ceneral g Ocular). Pharmacology. Ophthalmic & Optical Instrumentation & Procedure l. Visual Optics(Optics IV). Ophthalmic & Optical Instrumentation & Procedure II, Clinical Refraction l, Ocular Disease I (Anterior Segment Disease). Ophthalmic Lens & Dispensing Optics.
Practical: Microbiology and Pathology, Optical & Ophthalmic Instrumentation. Lighting & the Eye.
Theory: Binocular Vision & Ocular Motality, Contact Lens-I, Clinical Refraction II, Ocular Disease II (Posterior & Neuro-eye Disease), LOW Vision Aids & Visual Rehabilitation, Systemic Condition & the Eye, Public Health & Community Optometry, Biostatistics, Contact Len II. professional practice Management, Applied Optometry & Orthoptics.
Practical: Contact Lens I & II, Clinical Refraction-II, Low Vision Aids & Visual Rehabilitation, Applied Optometry & Orthoptics.
Project & Internship
Optometrists may practice independently, or in collaboration with other specialists. Optometry is a health care profession, and optometrists are primary health care practitioners of the eye, who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes: